Let’s the Magic Begin...

I’m not the only one who strongly believes this new year will be full of magic (and the two magical dates 1-1-11 and 11-11-11 are only a tiny part of the whole thing).
Among many other epic or even historical events, the media will talk about an ever growing global trend: millions of people from every single part of the world will finally unleash their inner unicorn. Some of them haven’t even found it yet but one day they’ll wake up and they’ll know. They’ll feel the power of magic. 
Millions of the last unicorns will appear all around the globe. Any day. Every day. Unicorns United. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is. 
“The Unicorn is the only fabulous beast conceived not out of human fear but as the sole single creation of mankind’s fertile, positive and ever hopeful imagination, a legendary creature whose power is exceeded only by its mystery. Fierce yet good, a symbol of strength, endurance, agility, perseverance, wisdom and playfulness, Unicorns are selfless yet solitary, a wild and untamable animal symbol of purity, hope, love and majesty, grace, finesse, and unconquerable nature.”
 from gagafashionland.com

These days some of us just need some magic in our lifes, so all i want for the you is some magic. Have a great year!

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